5 Signs It's Time To Talk With A Mental Health Therapist


Mental health concerns can leave anyone in a situation that makes life challenging. You should know how to spot the signs of trouble so you can make an appointment at a mental health clinic. If you're dealing with any of these issues, it might be time to talk with a mental health therapist.

Persistent Negative Feelings

One of the strongest indications someone may be having a mental health problem is a persistent negative feeling. If it seems like your mood never lifts no matter what's going on, there's a good chance you might need to consult with a therapist. While everyone has bad days and even bad weeks, no one should have a 100% rotten month. If that's how things feel all the time, then you should talk about your situation with a professional.


Traumatic events can leave people struggling to process their feelings. If you've recently been through an extremely difficult situation, your mental health can turn negative quickly. Bear in mind that traumas cover a wide range of scenarios. Natural disasters, financial crises, family disputes, and violence can all traumatize people.

Also, traumas don't necessarily have to be recent. Despite the old saying that time heals all wounds, that isn't true for people who've experienced deep traumas. Sexual abuse, childhood crises, military combat, and crime, for example, stick with people.

Substance Misuse

Abuse and addiction involving controlled substances is often a symptom of other mental health concerns. Many people who heavily consume alcohol or drugs are flat-out self-medicating to deal with feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, or hopelessness. If you're engaging in substance misuse to the point that it's causing financial or other life problems, that's a sign you should contact a mental health clinic.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Some people struggle to sleep when they're feeling bad. Others sleep even more. Either way, a notable change in your sleep patterns isn't good. Even if there's a reasonable explanation, such as a change in your schedule at work, you may struggle to cope with it. A mental health therapist can assess the situation and help you decide how to address a sleeping problem.

Shift in Appetite

People who are going through mental health issues also frequently see their eating patterns change. Once more, this can be swingy. Some won't want to eat at all, and others may overeat. In either scenario, a noticeable change in your appetite may be a sign that you're feeling different enough to justify a trip to a mental health clinic.

For more information, contact a mental health clinic near you.


6 February 2023

how a counselor can help you past your past

Things can happen to anyone at a very young age that have an impact on how well the person handles different situations as adults. Sometimes, the memories of these childhood traumas don't reveal themselves until something else happens. If you have suffered through a childhood trauma and it is having a negative impact on your adult life, it is time to take charge of the situation and begin seeking professional help to deal with it. This blog is based on facts compiled through my own personal journey. You will learn what a counselor can do to help you get past your past for a brighter future.